Bank Database

For ICS212, our main project throughout the semester was to slowly build up smaller functions and methods that we could put together in one big project that would be a bank database. For my first time learning and using C, I found the syntax of this language to be quite tedious but one that was definitely interesting to learn.

This simple bank database mocks an interaction a bank employee might have with a machine when accessing customer accounts. It has functions such as deleting, searching, adding accounts, as well as printing account information to the user. User data is kept in numerical order based on bank account numbers, but also keeps track of account name and address of the account holder.

One of the big things I learned from this project was the separation of user interface and the actual data, not only for neatness in files but also to protect the data. That was an aspect of coding I had never had to think about previously. Although simple, this database was my first big project for a course and one I worked hard on!

Source: Bank Database